Envision deploys two types of technologies called Lumecca and Forma. Together these two treatments have a synergistic effect on each other and create long-lasting results for the majority of individuals. Now, although this is no silver bullet and will not completely rid you of your dry eyes. The research and results behind this technology is the most promising that I have seen since practicing over the last 12 years. Over 53% of patients from the study achieved excellent results, 33% showed good improvement while the rest gave feedback of moderate to mild improvement. These results are astounding as there were over 85% of individuals that showed significant improvement with no patients stating that it did not help at all.
So what can you expect?
Typically, after either of these two treatments. A patient can anticipate a large decrease in the symptoms such as redness, fluctuation in vision, grittiness, history of treating styes and overall dryness. Consequently, these patients are using less medicated drops and artificial tears which can be expensive and cumbersome.
For more information about Lumecca and Forma click on the DRY EYE tab above.